Working Bee

Want to visit the historic Toganmain Woolshed?

Our next working bee will be held from

Saturday 5 October to Monday 7 October

Like all of our working bees, please let Christine know if you can attend, or if you want more information. 

We would love to have you visit! Whether it’s a day, two or the whole lot!

Please let us know if you are attending on a Saturday night for catering purposes.

Christine – 0467 544 724 or info@toganmain.com.au


The 2025 Riverina Classic Fishing Competition will be the 10th Annual event happening on the  7th – 9th February 2025.

Fishing is only permitted between Gogeldrie Weir and the Carrathool Bridge.

The Riverina Classic Catch and Release Fishing Competition is a great 3 days of fishing over a weekend in February each year. As a charity event proceeds are distributed to a chosen charity each year & also used to re-stock the Murrumbidgee River with native fingerlings securing a healthy and sustainable fishing future.

As a full photo entry competition, anglers have better flexibility on fishing hours & the entry of over-sized cod can be accepted in the competition as the survival rate of catch & release fish is increased by reducing the amount of time the fish spends in captivity. ­

Behind the Scenes Photos of previous competitions .

The Darlington Point Spring Festival

will be held on Saturday September 21 at 10 AM

At CWA Park Carrington Street Darlington Pont 

There will be live music, Food and drink, market stalls and children’s activities